
The Voice of Agriculture in the Mountain State

2025 Legislative Handbook

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Today in the Legislature

Legislative Action Report

Today in the Legislature is a daily synopsis of legislative activities maintained by the West Virginia Legislature’s Office

March 21, 2025

The 2025 West Virginia Legislative Session began in earnest on February 12. Governor Patrick Morrisey, in his first state-of-the-state address, proposed a $5.323 billion budget and announced the establishment of the West Virginia Power Tech Center that will address making West Virginia a supplier of energy to the growing technology industry. He also called for the repeal of certificate of needs requirements for medical services. This has been an ongoing legislative issue for several years, as some legislators believe this change could put rural healthcare facilities out of business. Other major issues of concern include a possible $397 million budget funding gap, PEIA insurance, education/school success, and Medicaid spending.
The West Virginia Senate, under direction of President Randy Smith, began the 87th Legislature session. The House of Delegates was convened by Speaker Roger Hanshaw.
Over 800 bills were submitted for consideration during the opening week. All proposed legislation and committee assignments may be found at

March 21, 2025 (Updates are in Bold)

The following bills were introduced during Week 1 (February 12-14) of the 60-day session.  Those of interest to agricultural producers and rural West Virginians included:

SB 10     By Senator Smith (Mr. President).  Bill exempts the processing of beef, pork, and lamb by a slaughterhouse for an individual owner from the 6 percent consumer sales and service tax.  Sent to Agriculture Committee.  Passed.  Sent to Finance.  (Similar Bill HB 2146.)  WVFB supports.

SB 11     By Senator Smith.  Purpose of bill is to prevent oil/gas wells from being orphaned on surface owners’ land.  Bill addresses bonding and sets aside money per mcf from producing wells to the Treasurer’s Office.  Sent to Energy, Industry, & Mining.  WVFB monitoring.

SB 22     By Senator Smith.  Bill addresses unpaid royalties due to owners from conventional vertical wells.  Sent to Energy.  Passed.  On third reading Full Senate.  Passed.  Sent to House Judiciary.  WVFB supports.

SB 34     By Senator Oliverio.  Purpose of bill is to create community solar program where subscribers can purchase interest in a solar facility.  Bill provides for rule making and administration by the Public Service Commission.  It addresses agrivoltaics or co-location of solar and agriculture beneath or between photovoltaic panels.  Sent to Energy, Industry, & Mining.  WVFB monitoring.

SB 68     By Senator Maynard.  Purpose of bill is to limit landowner liability on non-commercial land used for recreation, law enforcement training, or military training.  Sent to Judiciary.  WVFB monitoring.

SB 91     By Senator Rucker.  Bill requires sheriffs to send notices to owners of record and to each resident or occupant of real property prior to selling of property for unpaid taxes.  Sent to Government Organization.  WVFB monitoring.

SB 107     By Senator Tarr.  Bill addresses carbon offset agreements.  It restricts private agreements to 20 years, requires registration with the State Tax Department, and imposes a 15 percent excise tax.  Sent to Natural Resources.  WVFB opposes. 

SB 150     By Senator Weld.  Bill creates felony offense of cruelty to animals.  Bill contains strong agricultural exemptions.  Sent to Judiciary.  WVFB monitoring.

SB 174     By Senator Chapman.  Bill provides for shelter requirement so that no animal shall be kept outside for more than 30 minutes during extreme weather, such as temperatures above 85 degrees or below 32 degrees.  It includes a weak agricultural exemption.  Sent to Agriculture.  WVFB opposes.

SB 185     By Senator Chapman.  Bill establishes new code on labeling of lab-grown meat sold in West Virginia.  Sent to Agriculture.  WVFB monitoring.

SB 224     By Senator Woodrum.  Bill authorizes Director of the Division of Forestry to contract management of state owned and leased land for the purpose of preventing forest fires.  Sent to Natural Resources.  WVFB monitoring.

SB 227     By Senator Woodrum.  Bill authorizes the Division of Forestry to administer carbon exchange programs on private property.  Sent to Natural Resources.  WVFB opposes.

SB 241     By Senator Hamilton.  Bill exempts both heated and non-heated high tunnels from property tax.  Sent to Agriculture.  Passed.  Sent to Finance.  WVFB supports.

SB 242     By Senator Hamilton.  Bill known as Right to Repair Act addresses farm, forestry, and lawn equipment and responsibilities of dealers/equipment manufacturers in regard to parts and tools.  Sent to Agriculture.  Passed.  Sent to Judiciary.  (Similar bill HB 2373.)  WVFB monitoring.

SB 281     By Senator Tarr.  Bill requires current and future carbon offset agreements to be registered with State Tax Department.  It provides for 50 percent tax on gross payment paid under carbon offset agreement.  Sent to Natural Resources.  WVFB opposes.

SB 295     By Senator Rucker.  Bill clarifies that “solar farms” are not agricultural operations for the purpose of taxation.  Sent to Agriculture.  Passed.  Sent to Finance.  WVFB monitoring.

HB 2023     By Delegate Kump.  Bill removes office of county surveyor from ballot process.  Sent to Government Organization.  WVFB monitoring.

HB 2054     By Delegate W. Clark.  Bill removes the requirement that private farmers’ markets have two unrelated vendors apply for a license.  It removes the requirement among all vendors, acknowledging that each vendor is jointly and severally liable to any violation.  Sent to Government Organization.  Passed as amended.  On second reading Full House.  On second reading House Calendar.  WVFB monitoring.

HB 2060     By Delegate W. Clark.  Bill establishes exemption from business & occupation tax for agricultural cooperatives.  Sent to Government Organization.  Passed.  On third reading Full House.  On third reading House Calendar.  WFB monitoring.

HB 2102     By Delegate G. Howell.  Purpose of bill is to create West Virginia Title Protection Act.  Bill ensures rightful property owners’ title to their property in the event fraudulent or wrongful claims are listed against their property.  Sent to House Judiciary.  WVFB supports.

HB 2284     By Delegate Smith.  Bill authorizes West Virginia Department of Agriculture to promulgate rules for meat and poultry inspection.  Sent to House Government Organization.  WVFB supports.

HB 2374     By Delegate Cooper.  Bill exempts all-terrain vehicles from sales tax when used for agricultural purposes.  Sent to House Finance.  WVFB supports.

The following bills were introduced during Week 2 (February 17-21):

SB 459     By Senator Thorne.  Bill provides three-year residency requirement for West Virginia citizens to serve on planning commissions.  Sent to Government Organization.  Passed.  On third reading Full Senate.  Passed Full Senate.  Sent to House Government Organization.  WVFB supports.

SB 502     By Senator Rucker.  Bill amends Chapter 7 to specifically authorize floodplain enforcement by county commissioners.  Sent to Government Organization.  WVFB opposes, as authorization is already granted in 7-1-3V of the West Virginia Code.

SB 530     By Senator Rose.  Bill amends Chapter 37 by prohibiting a designated foreign entity from purchasing real property in West Virginia.  Bill authorizes West Virginia Attorney General to bring action for injunction relief and possible sale of property purchased by foreign entities.  Sent to Judiciary.  (Similar bill HB 2961.)  WVFB monitoring.

SB 532     By Senator Clements.  Bill clarifies the county to which ad valorem taxes should be paid when location of a natural gas well is in a different county.  Sent to Finance.  Passed Full Senate.  Ordered to the House.  Sent to House Finance.  (Similar bill HB 2706.)  WVFB supports.

SB 546     By Senator Jeffries.  Bill authorizes county commissions to levy additional excise tax on the privilege of transferring real property for the purpose of funding local economic development.  Sent to Government Organization.  Passed.  Sent to Finance.  WVFB opposes.

HB 2043     By Delegate Burkhammer.  Bill authorizes use of drones and dogs to track or locate certain wounded game.  Committee Sub adds protection as critical infrastructure classification of commercial poultry facilities, licensed slaughter facilities, and stockyards.  Sent to Government Organization.  On third reading House Calendar.  Sent to Rules.  Now on first reading Special Calendar.  (Similar bill SB 721.)  WVFB monitoring.

HB 2386     By Delegate Horst.  Bill addresses warrantless entry of private land and clarifies procedures for law enforcement to enter private land.  It also abolishes the “open field doctrine” and surveillance cameras with certain exceptions.  Sent to Courts.  (Similar bill HB 2617.)  WVFB monitoring.

HB 2399     By Delegate Hillenbrand.  Bill changes the managed timberland certification requirement from one year to every five years for tax assessment purposes.  Sent to Finance.  (Similar bill SB 809.)  WVFB monitoring.

HB 2449     By Delegate Anders.  Bill repeals the practice known as the “Open Field Doctrine” on private property for search and seizure.  Sent to Judiciary.  WVFB monitoring.

HB 2454     By Delegate Hornby.  Bill expands Right to Farm law to include agricultural residential land used for the purpose of urban agriculture.  Sent to Agriculture, Commerce, & Tourism.  WVFB monitoring.

HB 2551     By Delegate Foggin.  Bill allows for increase to criminal penalty for the misdemeanor offense of negligently permitting livestock to run at large and trespass on property of other owners of livestock which then injures another person or destroys property of another.  Sent to Judiciary.  WVFB monitoring.

The following bills were introduced during Week 3 (February 24-28):

SR 18     By Senator Smith.  Resolution declares March 3, 2025, as Future Farmers Day.  WVFB supports.

SB 618     By Senator Thorne.  Bill amends Chapter 11 tax code to allow farm property owned by a corporation that does not meet the 50 percent income threshold to claim a reduction in property tax if the entity has over $20,000 in sales.  Sent to Agriculture.  Passed.  Sent to Finance.  WVFB monitoring.

HB 2727     By Delegate Canterbury.  Bill requires at least one person with agricultural background to be appointed to West Virginia University and West Virginia State University Boards of Governors.  Sent to Education.  Sent to House Higher Education Subcommittee.  (Similar bill HB 3279 sent to House Higher Education.)  WVFB supports.

HB 2791     By Delegate Hott.  Bill creates West Virginia Public Adjuster Professional Standard Reform Act.  Bill details public adjusters’ responsibilities, fees, and commissions regarding insurance contract requirements.  Sent to Judiciary.  WVFB supports.

HB 2972     By Delegate Moore.  Bill amends 19-1B-3 as to the definition of a timber operation.  Sent to Energy & Public Works.  WVFB monitoring.

HB 2992     By Delegate Dillon.  Bill defines distributor of commercial feed to exclude persons selling products or commodities exclusively on their own farms.  Sent to Government Organization.  Passed.  Sent to Finance.  Similar bill SB 686 passed Full Senate.  Sent to House Government Organization.  WVFB monitoring.

HB 3025     By Delegate Funkhouser.  Bill directs development of a plan for reporting requirements for underground extraction of water in growth counties.  Plan shall limit commercial users’ extraction that may impact underground water supply.  Sent to Energy & Public Works.  WVFB monitoring.

HB 3026     By Delegate Funkhouser.  Amends Chapter 8 of Code by defining the word “use” to mean domestic use, farming, or activities on land from where water was drawn.  Bill prohibits commercial extraction of water to be sold or shipped outside of West Virginia directly or indirectly.  Sent to Government Organization.  WVFB monitoring.

The following bills were introduced during Week 4 (March 3-7):

SB 581     By Senator Oliverio.  Bill provides that 4-H and FFA members may receive excused absences with opportunity to make up any missed schoolwork.  Passed Full Senate.  Sent to House Education.  WVFB supports.

SB 676     By Senator Rucker.  Bill provides reciprocity for licensed veterinarians and veterinary technicians who are licensed for at least five years in another state and license has not been previously suspended.  Sent to Government Organization.  WVFB supports.

SB 701     By Senator Woodrum.  Bill reclassifies forestry equipment as Class 1 to provide tax benefit to forestry businesses in order to classify forestry as part of agriculture under West Virginia Code 11-8-5.  Sent to Natural Resources.  Passed.  Sent to Finance.  WVFB monitoring.

SB 720     By Senator Clements.  Bill requires operators to file “Declaration of Pooled Unit” information with county clerk within 60 days of when drilling permit is issued.  Various information regarding oil/gas development are required but not limited to tax map information, tract number identifying each well to be drilled in the unit, and operators’ allocation of production between affected units.  Intent of bill is to identify each mineral parcel in the unit.  Sent to Energy.  WVFB supports.

HB 3044     By Delegate Mallow.  Bill contains 22 pages of extensive state regulations for animal care.  Bill increases most fines and jail time and creates felony offense of animal cruelty.  New code section regards warranty for purchase of dogs and provides for very extensive requirements for food, shelter, water, and space.  Sent to Government Organization.  (Similar bills HB 3130 and HB 3427.)  WVFB opposes.

The following bills were introduced during Week 5 (March 10-14):

SB 730     By Senator Tarr.  Bill sets up a registry for carbon offset agreements.  Landowners and purchasers of agreements must register certain contractual information, including duration, terms, and possibly other information as written.  Bill includes a $5,000 fine for failure to register within 60 days of signing.  Sent to Energy.  WVFB opposes.

SJR 6     By Senator Rose.  Resolution provides for constitutional amendment placed before voters for consideration.  If adopted, amendment would authorize future legislatures the ability to reduce or eliminate ad valorem taxes on “tangible business inventory”.  Resolution requires revenue replacement to offset revenue loss to counties, municipalities, and school districts.  Passed Judiciary.  Sent to Finance.  WVFB monitoring.

SJR 14     By Senato Barrett.  Resolution sets up general homestead tax exemption if a constitutional amendment is approved by voters.  Exemption would be raised from $20,000 to $25,000 and provide for periodic increases until exemption reaches $40,000.  If passed, amendment would also grant the Legislature, effective January 1, 2027, the authority to make any other changes to the homestead exemption.  Sent to Judiciary.  (Similar bills SB 724 and HB 3451.)  WVFB monitoring.


The following bills were introduced during Week 6 (March 17-21):

SB 801     By Senator Woodrum.  Bill establishes West Virginia Public Waterway Access Act.  Bill directs Department of Highways in cooperation with Department of Natural Resources to develop guidelines.  If enacted, bill as written would allow DOH to write rules to permit public access to waterways potentially across private land.  Sent to Natural Resources.  WVFB opposes.

SB 838     By Senator Thorne.  Bill prohibits law enforcement officers from placing surveillance cameras on certain private lands without permission from owners or a valid search warrant.  Bill defines private land.  Sent to Judiciary.  WVFB supports.

SB 844     By Senator Rucker.  Bill exempts certain quail possessed for agricultural purposes from game preserve license requirement.  Sent to Agriculture.  WVFB monitoring.

HB 3401     By Delegate Barnhart.  Bill requires that in the case of mineral leases, all burdens that may potentially encumber the overlaying surface shall be identified and listed, such as pipelines and well pads.  Sent to Energy.  WVFB monitoring.

HB 3402     By Delegate Adkins.  Bill establishes a new classification for high value timberland for tax purposes.  Sent to Finance.  WVFB opposes.

HB 3504     By Delegate Burkhammer.  Bill originated in House Rules.  Bill classifies licensed stockyards, licensed slaughter facilities, and commercial poultry production and processing facilities as critical infrastructure facilities.  On first reading Special Calendar.  WVFB supports.