The Voice of Agriculture in the Mountain State
Member Benefits
As a member of the Farm Bureau, you get access to local and national discounts from the brands you love. Whether you are looking for a vehicle, farm/lawn equipment, hotels, car rentals, insurance, office supplies, or medications, you can easily pay for the cost of a membership with our rebates and discounts.
Additional Membership Information
WV Farm Bureau Members receive a $500 exclusive cash reward on all elgible vehicles
Your Farm Bureau Membership gets you an additional $250 off select Cat attachments
Exclusive Discounts for WV Farm Bureau Members of up to $500 on select equipment
Farm Bureau Bank
WV Farm Bureau Members get benefits such as business banking and equipment loans
Let Grainger help simplify your day with time-saving solutions and get the products you need.
John Deere
WV Farm Bureau Members will automatically receive Platinum 1 status