
The Voice of Agriculture in the Mountain State

Mobile Agriculture Education Science Lab

The Mobile Ag Ed Science Lab provides students with the unique opportunity to participate in hands-on lessons that reinforce their knowledge of science, technology, English and math, while they are simultaneously introduced to agriculture education. Through our “Ag on the Move” program, students will experience agriculture-related science experiments that cover West Virginia Content Standard Objectives in the Mobile Lab parked just outside of their school.

Our Ag Lab allows students to learn valuable lessons about the products that come from West Virginia farms while creating a lasting memory.

How the Lab Benefits Your School

  • Comes to your school
  • Certified teacher provided
  • Materials and lesson plans provided
  • You choose the curriculum from a list of options
  • Handicap accessible
  • Climate-controlled environment
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Tailored to meet individual school sizes and needs
  • Serves Pre-K through 5th grade

One Week Visits:
5 Days- $2,100
4 Days- $1,900


Need Funding? We can help!
Contact West Virginia Farm Bureau
to learn about a variety of funding

Ag on the Move_wv_outline_color

Request information on
scheduling the lab:

Michelle Bailey – Lab Coordinator

Phone: 304-472-2080, ext. 313

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